Crystal Meanings

  • Abalone - enhances feelings of peace, compassion and love
  • African Turquoise - stone of evolution bringing about great change and transformation in life. Opens up your mind to the possibility of all things new and unknown
  • Amazonite (Amazon Stone) - brings us back to center, promotes inner harmony and peace through spiritual understanding
  • Amber - balance and stability. Building the wisdom within your spiritual house. Cleanse and clear the Sacral Chakra
  • Amethyst - protective, healing and purifying. Brings humility, sincerity, and spiritual wisdom
  • Aquamarine - tranquility, serenity, clarity and harmony. Represents transformation and rebirth
  • Aventurine - strength, confidence, courage and happiness. Renews optimism of life. Also heals the heart
  • Black Jasper - protective stone also used for grounding energy and bringing peace, balance, and stability into your life
  • Black Labradorite/Larvikite - known as the stone of magic. cleanses the owner's aura, specializes in spiritual ability and enhances deeper connections. Useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance
  • Black Lava - grounding stone that strengthens one's connection to Mother Earth. Brings a mix of assertive energy and practical restraint. Powerful effects on the human mind to cleanse negative thoughts and emotions
  • Black Obsidian - strong psychic protection stone that shields against negativity. The energy of obsidian may stimulate the gift of prophesy
  • Black Onyx - strengthens focus and willpower. Provides protection from negativity that comes from within
  • Black Tourmaline - attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity. Balances the right-left sides of the brain. Releases tension and is highly protective
  • Bloodstone - excellent blood cleanser and powerful healing stone. Heightens intuition and increases creativity. Grounding and protecting
  • Blue Angel Aura Quartz - cleanses the aura, clears negativity, enhances other crystals and good for channeling and meditation
  • Blue Apatite - enhances focus, clarity for concentration, intellect, acceptance and unconditional love for self as well as for others
  • Blue Sandstone - symbolizes success and victory. Encourages confidence and courage. Great stone for empaths as it helps shield their sensitive energy
  • Blue Sapphire - signifies the height of celestial faith and hope. Brings spiritual insight and good fortune
  • Blue Tiger’s Eye - is a stone for protection, power, and perseverance. Fills the aura with a fiery confidence. Keeps you grounded and focused
  • Carnelian - stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage. Balances the body energy levels. Stimulate sexual energy and boost fertility
  • Ceregat - stone of success. Helps maintain energy and optimism and draws success
  • Citrine - qualities of joy, abundance and transmutation. Absorbs negative energy. Attracts money and prosperity
  • Clear Quartz - known for its high vibrations. Clears the mind, body and spirit of clutter. Enhances psychic abilities and helps with concentration and memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance
  • Dalmatian Jasper - nurturing stone with its ability to bring out the child within. Brings clarity of mind to reveal one's strengths and weaknesses. Brings a calm sense of tranquility, wholeness and control
  • Dragon Stone - stone of creativity, courage, strength and personal power. Also symbolizes rebirth and revival
  • Flame Jasper - brings balance, stamina, courage, and inner strength of a warrior. Heals diseases of the blood and circulation. Helps with depression
  • Fluorite - brings spiritual detoxification abilities and transform negative energy into positive energy. Protective and stabilizing stone used for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy
  • Garnet - crystal of passion and one of the oldest crystals for spiritual protection. Embodies fire, passion, creativity and strength 
  • Gold Sandstone - stone of ambition, assisting in attaining goals. Symbol of ingenuity, ambition, and drive. It reduces tension, revitalize the wearer and encourage a positive attitude
  • Gold Obsidian - excellent for gazing, viewing the future, or accessing knowledge from the past. Allows us to commune with the Source of all being and to realign our personal power with the Divine to better direct our lives
  • Green Agate - deeply protective stone used to ward off harmful thought, negative energy and malicious entities. Restores balance, and brings good health, and bravery
  • Green Jade - stone of abundance, cleansing, royalty and used to treat kidney disorders. Brings harmony and dispels negativity and increase joyful flow. Heals and activates the Heart Chakra
  • Hematite - grounds and balances through the Root Chakra and opens us to opportunities, strength, clarity and focus. Ideal to use in meditation to enhance manifestations
  • Howlite - attunement stone which links us to higher consciousness. Used to reduce anxiety, tension and stress. Help to facilitate awareness, encourages emotional expression and will slow the overactive mind. Brings mental awareness to current and past-life issues
  • Kambaba Jasper - activates the Root and Heart Chakras to facilitate peace and tranquility as it removes blockages and eases worry. Gentle, nourishing healer enabling clarity, honesty and confidence
  • Lapis Lazuli - truth and wisdom activating the higher mind, enhancing intellectual ability, problem-solving, understanding and excellent for enhancing memory. Third-Eye Chakra opener and it connects the physical and celestial kingdoms. Wisdom into the mystical realms will enhance dream work and spiritual journeying.
  • Lava Stones - stone of rebirth, grounding stone, balances emotions and brings calmness. Helps to keep tempers in check 
  • Leopard Skin Jasper - deeply protective stone. Aids in out-of-body experiences and in dissipating negative energies. Provides a sense of peace and stability. Emotional growth and self-improvement
  • Malachite - heart-healing stones for those who have been hurt in love. Clears painful memories. Stone of transformation and encourages the expression of feelings and heals and activates the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Mookaite - stimulates your intuition. Helps release toxic and negative energies and unleash inner confidence
  • Moss Agate - brings stability, persistence, and grounding to the body, mind and spirit by activating and opening the Root and Heart Chakras. Excellent talisman for Earth signs. Helps connect to the frequencies of the Earth and brings abundance in a slow and steady manner. Ideal for new births, new beginnings, and planting the seeds of our deepest desires
  • Opalite - associated with the Crown Chakra and used for purification, calms and clarifies and focuses the mind for subtle spiritual awareness. Nurturing and grounding and draw upon the elements of Earth and Water. Helps alleviate worry, stress, and depression
  • Orange Agate - grounding stone bringing emotional, physical and intellectual balance. Helps overcome negativity and bitterness of the heart
  • Orange Calcite - helps integrate the spiritual realm with the physical body and enhances creativity and helps with emotional issues. Energize and cleanse the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras and bring positive energy into the areas of the will and sexuality. Helps to release past traumas
  • Pearl - ultimate symbol for wisdom, valued for their calming effects they represent serenity, purity, integrity and loyalty
  • Petrified Wood - works with the Root and Third Eye Chakras to bring healing to physical and emotional issues. Teaches patience and connects us with the energies of Earth. Helps to heal issues associated with age such as Alzheimer’s, Osteoporosis, and Arthritis
  • Pink Angel Aura Quartz - uplifts mood, dissolves anger and brings serenity and peace. High vibrational stone that attracts love towards you and generates love from within you
  • Pink Zebra Jasper  - nurturing stone of contentment. Offers protection from physical and spiritual harm. Energy is motivating, and mood lifting. Aids with kidney/bladder problems, improves skin, and alleviate muscle spasms
  • Prehnite - helps with kidney and bladder issues. Revitalize our personal healing environment and when working with energy grids to enhance protective fields, calm and bring inner peace. Has been used for centuries by Shamans in Southern Africa for its ability to connect the physical and non-physical worlds
  • Purple Colored Glaze - spiritual energy that helps connect with our mystical sides by strengthening our intuition and higher sense of self. They can also be a wonderful tool for tapping into the divine realm of dreams to gain creative inspiration and spiritual guidance
  • Pyrite - is a protector stone and is excellent for manifestation. Supports us with the spirit of boldness and assertive action. Stimulates the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras
  • Red Agate - protective token against negative energies while instilling self-confidence and positive vibes. Known as the warrior's stone and is a grounding and protective force
  • Red Coral - represents success and prosperity and signifies circulation. Restore peace and tranquility to the wearer's heart
  • Red Jasper - stone of endurance. Helps you keep your focus and strength regardless of what you are doing. Holds physical and spiritual protection
  • Red Tiger’s Eye - supports motivation and a more active sex drive. Opens the Root Chakra to ground sexual ideas into the physical world and resolve sexual issues that are causing problems in a relationship. Enhances confidence and self-esteem. Adds vitality and passion to any project
  • Rhodonite - focuses on nurturing our inner-selves and reclaiming all we were meant to be. Empowers us to reach our full potential. Stone of purpose, cooperation, community, altruism and generosity of spirit. It's an emotional healer that brings us back to center during stressful times
  • Rose Gold Hematite - boosts self-esteem and survivability. Enhances willpower and imparts confidence. Stimulates concentration and focus
  • Rose Quartz - crystal of unconditional love that carries a soft gentle energy of compassion and peace. Speaks directly to the Heart Chakra dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments. Circulates loving energy throughout the entire aura
  • Ruby Zoisite - stone of courage and strength that purges anxiety and fears. Produces growth and fertility in all aspects of life
  • Selenite - the most powerful cleansing stone in the world. Cleanses the auric filed, removes energy blockages in the body. Opens, heals and activates the Third Eye and Crown Chakras
  • Smokey Quartz - ability to absorb and transmute negative energy and release into the Earth for natural neutralization. Lifts depression and fatigue. A Root Chakra stone its adept at grounding us back to the earth
  • Snowflake Obsidian - facilitates courage, persistence, perseverance and insight. Associated with the Root and Third Eye Chakras
  • Sodalite - talisman of the writer, known for enhancing creativity, inspiration, focus and clear communication. Stone of truth and is used as a research and study aid and helps us to remain centered and stimulate deep thought
  • Sunstone - energies of the sun. Leadership stone that offers personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness. Brings openness, benevolence, warmth, strength, mental clarity, and the willingness and ability to bestow blessings on others. Cleanses the aura and Chakras
  • Turquoise (Red/Blue) - purification stone that promotes self-realization and assists creative problem solving. Symbol of friendship and stimulates romantic love. Helps with communication and activates the Throat Chakra. Heightens our emotional intelligence, kindness and forgiveness
  • Unakite - helps to release bad habits, activates all the Chakras, particularly the Heart Chakra. Releases our attachment wounds with balance and patient persistence. Used to overcome repetitive and obsessive thoughts and raises our vibrations
  • White Angel Aura Quartz - brings abundance of love and light to your life. Cleanses the aura and is used by energy healers in Reiki healing sessions
  • White Coral - used to open the Crown Chakra and align the major Chakras of the body with the energies of the ethereal plane. Stimulates the energy to dissipate blockages in the physical body. Stimulates clairaudient abilities. Helpful for children to stabilize psychic abilities. Promotes psychic development. Strengthens circulatory and bone structure in the body
  • White Jade - brings richness, prosperity, and abundance in your life. Brings luck in health, business and love
  • Yellow Agate - reinforce courage, confidence, happiness and prosperity into our lives. Also bestows good health and physical well-being
  • Yellow Coral - symbol of modesty, wisdom, happiness and immortality
  • Yellow Tiger’s Eye - ability to observe and portrays courage, integrity and rightful use of power. Teaches balance between extremes. Brings sharpness to our inner vision. Supports change in all aspects of life. Inspires creativity